We happened upon the Old Spaghetti Factory in Duarte on our way home after some fun in the snow at Mt. Baldy. Have you been to the Old Spaghetti Factory lately? If the last time you were there was 15 years ago, you wouldn't have any trouble recognizing the more-is-more faux Victorian eye-numbing splendor and unsubtly flavorful flavors. I can't say my food was very good, but it was great eating there, particularly with the spumoni ice cream finale.
Worth a drive to Duarte, unless you're coming from St. Louis, in which case, you should just visit the location in St. Louis, which I'm guessing looks exactly the same as the one in Duarte.
1 comment:
On behalf of your Missouri readership, thank you for the link.
As a rule of thumb, I'm fond of restaurants with "factory" in the name: Cheesecake, Old Spaghetti, et al.
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