
Kitchen Count: California Towhee

Last post here was of a bird photographed from my living room; this one's from the kitchen, and it actually showed up in our backyard the day after the goldfinch. I'm pretty sure it's a California Towhee. And it's upside down, frankly, because I just found the photo dull in its proper orientation.


Living Room Count

Birders talk about "backyard counts," different species they've spotted outside their houses. I'm officially starting a Living Room Count (though I'm not going to bother counting; I just enjoy looking). In addition to the highly entertaining cedar waxwings I've photographed in the past from inside our PicFair Village living room, today I spotted and got a snapshot of a group of these little (goldfinches?) perched on the rosemary immediately outside our front door. We live in the heart of Los Angeles, yet the variety of wildlife visible from inside our home is incredible. I love this city.



About 24 hours in to my first-ever batch of homemade sauerkraut, and I wish I could set other responsibilities aside to just spend the day watching it slowly change.